
Life in the Netherlands

A friend sent me an email regarding "life in the Netherlands". Many interesting photos and this is one of them. dont know if this is real but seems that's the way Dutch people drive their kids to school???Actually I cant stop laughing when I saw this photo but,I'd say this is really cool coz this is the best best eco-awareness and education.

我敢講萬一這種事在台灣發生,一定被媒體卯起來大作文章,或許有人還會覺得這是不是虐童...台灣沒有安全舒適的環境可以讓小朋友這樣上學我承認.但換個角度想,這種在荷蘭才看的到的畫面不正是最值得驕傲的荷蘭經驗?大家只會對環保議題紙上談兵,Anya Hindmarch出了個環保袋,台灣人搶到哭爹喊娘就怕買不到,結果環保了嗎?排隊的人還留下一堆垃圾....鏡頭前那些搶到跌倒的人如果知道現在在大陸一堆阿姨阿婆拿著100%仿冒版本的環保袋(聽說比原版做的質感還好..不要忘了那材質只是個麻布袋)上市場買豬肉,貫徹真正的一用再用環保精神,你還想拿上街"拉風"嗎?


6 意見:

Anonymous said...

hey man...that cart is a Mercedes compare to those that are used in Asia...the type they used to transport newspaper, meat, junks, and yes, kids too...
you know which type i am talking about..couldn't find a picture..

VTSS vince said...

ha,yes I know what you taik about...and this "mercedes" should be comfortable for that kids...check out that woman who pull cart..haha,strong lar...

Anonymous said...

這照片給我看起來,不會讓我想到虐童,倒是有幾分種族歧視.....I don't know if my thought about the picture is right or not.........I just can't help feel that way!

VTSS vince said...

種族歧視?how come?you mean the lady who pulls the cart but seems all the kids in cart are whites?well....maybe..but I think it's a job only..maybe her pay is not bad and she felt proud to help taking kids carefully and safely?just my thought..Everyone should respect this lady If she respect her job too.

Photo ant explain everything I know..maybe it's racial discrimination..as I know,many black people who live in Netherlands,you know why?coz baseball players in Netherlands most are black people..lol.

anyways,racial discrimination should be banned no doubt.

Anneke said...

These ladies are probably the teachers, taking their class someplace. And, no this is not the common way people take their kids to school. People take their kids on a bicycle.

VTSS vince said...

thanks for clarify anneke. :) you lived there right? hope someday I can go visiting Netherlands..

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