我 10月10日 的那篇文章提到以下這段話,經濟不景氣到底有沒有影響潮流市場是個很值得討論的話題,我想請ken爺來開個專欄好了,他和我都有一些看法,哈哈。
[[經濟不景氣沒有影響潮流市場..是我自己的看法...對我就沒有影響... but it will have an impact on not so popular toys that are in large volume... Popular items demand still far far exceed supply..with the economy down, it could lower demand a bit...but the demand still far excced supply... and remember, the high prices established in the secondary market mostly driven by people that have lots of spentable income... even without that much income, there are still tons hardcore collectors that are willing to find ways to pay.. lets say that those 2 type consist of 20% of all buyers..that 20% is enough to keep the 潮流市場 going...and consume all the supplies..
but it would be a different story for general toys.. that would def have an impact... it is like... they can buy it or they don't have to buy it...they could use the money on gas or food... .it is missing the "must have that toy" attitute... i am sure if kaws drop another 4ft companion for 4k... it will still be gone in a minute... and we are willing to eat bread and water for a month to have that..
don't know if i m making any sense.. :P.. just bull$hitting... ]]
Toys talk / 潮玩閒聊