很感謝MINDstyle的co-founder MD Young寄了封信給我,提到了MINDstyle主動關心所有VTSS朋友們對開盒雷射標籤狀況的反應。原本我是想等待所有朋友的回報之後再和MINDstyle聯繫,但MINDstyle很快速地做出回應,Thank you MD and all MINDstyle staff who concerned about this issue。
以下是MINDstyle的VTSS Letter原文,為了保持原意,我想我就不翻成中文了,各位可以嘗試了解這個過程,在此我也再次感謝MINDstyle所有工作人員的關心。
VTSS Letter
We have been informed of a few concerns over the recent Hazel Asia release with the random blue mini figure. There have been no other reports of similar situations as the seal is a label that will clearly reflect if the box has been tampered with by someone.
Having checked, the VTSS the products were shipped directly from the factory to Taiwan. Our QC has confirmed all boxes were sealed and the blue mini Hazel figures were randomly included, boxed and then placed in the plastic wraps.
First, the mini figures are a gift for the lucky winners. This is not something we did or needed for marketing because based on the popularity and demand for Hazel, the figures would have sold without the mini Hazel figures. In no way should anyone think they are guaranteed to win a figure.
Second, we have always known VTSS as a good provider for toy collectors. This is the very reason they are approved as an authorized seller. More important, the work they do online has helped the vinyl toy industry grow and we support Vince 100%. It would make no sense to have any of the boxes opened as they are randomly packed by our QC staff.
Finally, the company seal and the box will be clearly show any tampering because of scratch marks. The seal cannot be opened and moved without being noticeable. All plastic wraps are open when the boxes arrive from the printing factory and pack the toy then seal again for delivery. We tried to do something special. We hope this does not cause any confusion。
VTSS Letter from MINDstyle
Toys talk / 潮玩閒聊